
Why did anyone sacrafice a Animal to GOD? Since they offered a dead animal? ?

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Jesus sacraficed his life and his offer was life......

Did the early Jews think that sacraficng an animal would be brouight back to life when they killed it for GOD?

These are the powers which contend against man, not wishing him to be saved. For if man is saved, there will not be any sacrifices and animals will not be offered to the powers. They were indeed offering them up alive, but then they offered them up they died. As for (the Son of?) man, they offered him up to God dead, and he lived.




  1. This is a good point.

    Religion began to emphasize morals when people realized God(s) had no use for sheep smoke.

  2. Of course the animals sacrificed were dead. Just like Christ was dead after crucified on the cross. The only significance and reason for the sacrifices for both the animals and Christ Himself was the shedding of blood. Blood had to be shed for the remission of sins. In the Old Testament, the priests killed the animal and shed its blood. The body was sacrificed to God, such as in a "burnt offering." Christ died on the cross. His blood was shed. God's righteous requirement for sin was satisfied.

  3. The sacrifice killed the animal

  4. The main reason for animal sacrificing to the God Yahweh was for the Israelites to eat them. The main purpose of the Tabernacle and later the Temples were for the Israelites to have a central and germ free slaughter house and food processing plant to prepare their animals to eat. You can say that we still sacrifice animals for the same reason in our modern slaughter houses.

  5. You sacrifice what you will miss dearly and you are not allowed to sacrifice human life.

    The meat of the dead animal is used to feed the poor, free of charge, when the owner would have sold it and made financial gain had he not chosen to sacrifice it.

    The intention and the charity is what counts and not if the animal is dead or alive.

    Worship none but Allah!

    There is no God but Allah!


  6. A true sacrifice has to be burnt so the smoke rises to heaven to reach God.  Dying on a cross doesn't count.

  7. I really dont understand the question it was a bit mixed up.. However unless Im totally misreading the question I think what your asking is,

    Why sacrifice a animal to god, if its dead?

    ... Well Heaven is the place for the deceased, so of course when the lamb died it would go up to heaven and be eaten by God, which means that its like a person giving God a meal. Which seems simple enough. They didnt think the animal would resurect they wanted God to have it as a gift in heaven, Jesus needed to go back to heaven and the only way was to die, but, he decided to come back secretly in order to say goodbye to mary magdaline, his human mother.

    Hope that answers your question.

  8. God told the Israelites precisely which animals to sacrifice and how to do it.  The blood from the sacrifice was in atonement for the sins of the people.  This is the comparison to Christ, who shed His blood in atonement for our sins.  If you recall, God told the OT priests the lamb had to be spotless and without blemish.  This was a type of the sinlessness of Christ.  

  9. answer: if I remember my bible correctly GOD gave instructions on what animal and how they should be offered.  

    A good question would be: why do Xians think God ever approved of a human sacrifice? Or how a man could take on the sins of another?  

  10. You obviously don't understand. Sacrifice (the root of the word anyway) means to "make sacred". And when ancient peoples sacrificed an animal to their deities - it was often consumed at a feast following the ritual. Thus they made the animal sacred before consuming its flesh in thanks to the deity and the animal for giving its life to sustain theirs. So it's not like they were killing animals for no reason.

    Oh - and where's the proof that Jesus was resurrected. Were you there? Did you get video proof?

  11. I thought it was a feast for the Gods. That's why they would sacrifice 100 oxen to zeus before the olympic games. So that he would eat and be happy.

  12. Sacrificed animals were burnt on an altar.

    It would be cruel to burn them alive.

    Besides, the screams would disrupt the service.

  13. Your thinking along phisical litteral terms, they have no relevance when dealing with something non phisical.

    The life energy of the animal was being offered in many cases. A sacrifice would usualy only be made to a dark god/spirit.

  14. The sacrifice of an innocent animal and shedding of blood started in Genesis.  The fig leaves which Adam and Eve sewed together was a representation of man's attempts (works) to cover the guilt which resulted from the sin of disobedience.  This attempt on the part of man was insufficient, and God therefore took an innocent animal, killed it, made coats of skin and clothed Adam and Eve, in essence covering their guilt and shame.  This first sacrifice with the shedding of innocent blood was to point to the One who would come one day to be the final sacrifice for sin, the Lamb of God, Christ. No more would people have to kill animals and sprinkle the blood on the mercy seat to be forgiven of their sins, because Christ accomplished this once and for all with His atonement.  No more would people need a priest to go into the Holy of Holies, sprinkling the blood on the mercy seat of the Ark in order for God to be pleased and forgive the people of their sins, because Christ as our High Priest accomplished this when He took His blood and sprinkled it on the mercy seat of the Ark in Heaven.  The animals that were killed in the Old Testament, and there were thousands of them that were sacrificed, never came back to life.  But, the Lamb of God, Christ, God in the flesh, did rise from the dead and lives for evermore.  We have forgiveness of our sins and are reconciled back to God through Christ's atonement, if we will only believe that He did this.  God bless you!!!

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