
Why did boy hippies wear their hair long like girls do?

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Why did boy hippies wear their hair long like girls do?




  1. i think its because they were g*y

  2. Partly because hippies were about being natural and because it went against the norm of the squares and partly because the Beatles had their hair longer!

  3. Because its hot.

  4. to protest the normal acceptance of short hair is respectable.

  5. Rebellion, long hair on guys was not acceptable. It is really no different than the various trends now that are done as a way of stating individuality. Anything to drive the older generation insane.  

  6. The hippie movement started in the late 1960's as an anti establishment movement. They were mostly against the war in Vietnam. Men in the military wore very short hair, so the long hair was a protest against this.

  7. Because it was a rebellion against the society of the day. Men that conformed to society had shorter hair, the nice "clean cut" look. By not cutting their hair , it was a way of saying "I'm not going to conform to your rules because I don't believe in them"

  8. It was a symbol for "who the h**l cares."

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