
Why did canada want PEI to join confederation?

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  1.  Prince Edward Island was asked by Canada to join confederation because Canada was afraid that P.E.I might join the U.S. The firts time P.E.I rejected the offer but when Canada sweatned the deal P.E.I gave in. Canada offered them ferry sevices year round and paid of the railway system

  2. PEI joined confederation because Canada was afraid of PEI joing the US, PEI was in heavy depts that were needed to be cleared, since it was just a small island it was isolated and could be easily taken over by someone else, needed more trading partners and allies and needed money to but build a railway.

  3. nooo.............canada wanted pei to join first, but pei rejected

    Pei then needed help from canada so pei joined confederation and canada allowed them because in the 72 resolutions, it said " any colony that doesn't want to join now can join later"

  4. because they were fools

  5. HEY,
    Canada wanted Prince Edward Island to join confederation because they were afraid that Prince Edward Island might join the United as quickly as Canada can..they invites Prince Edward Island to join Confederation..and PEI agreed because Canada agreed to help the settlers in PEI in every they can.

                          -Becca <3 !LOL!  l8trz..hehehe :) :)

  6. HEY,
    Canada wanted Price Edward Island to join confederation because they were afraid that Prince Edward Island might join the United as quickly as Canada can..they invites Prince Edward Island to join Confederation..and PEI agreed because Canada agreed to help the settlers in PEI in every they can.

                          -Becca <3 !LOL!  l8trz..hehehe :) :)

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