
Why did channel 7 advertise the gold medal boxing bouts and not even show one bout.SBS showed what they said.?

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Channel 7 falsely advertised and misled. SHAME on you 7. Scottm




  1. i hated it when they did that! its more annoying then anything, you sit there waiting for something they arent even gonna show!

  2. Channel 7 also advertised the women's single 10m platform diving competition on Thursday but only showed the very first dive from a handful of competitors before crossing to the bird's nest and never going back to the water cube all night.

    So the answer to your question is because Channel 7 suck and they were trying to force viewers to stay glued to the screens and watch advertisements all night.

    They showed the diving the next day at about 6 or 7pm in the evening. I only know because it was on at the pub when I was there Friday night so I missed watching it. It's really a c**p way of getting viewers because I found myself switching to SBS whenever Ch7 weren't showing an event that was happening.

  3. the channel 7 broadcast was poor. I also hated why they don't hardly show anything live. The broadcasting rights should be given to SBS and they showed more variety of sports compared to 7.  

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