
Why did chaucer admired woman in his book the canterbury tales?

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its for reserch and i cant find out why




  1. He was a human being and male, why shouldn't he admire women?

  2. Within Chaucerian gender scholarship, this is much disputed; however, I think few people think Chaucer outrightly admired women. If this is a research paper assigned to you for a class, I'd suggest arguing the opposite.  

    Also, it's very easy to get information about this if you read some scholarship of others.  Try Jill Mann, Sheila Delany, Mary Carruthers, Susan Crane, Carolyn Dinshaw, and Elaine Tuttle Hansen to name a few.  Just do the research yourself.

  3. In hsi early life he was charged with raping a woman along with others. However, the woman exnoerated Chauser from any blame in that misdeed. This saved his career and perhaps as an expression of his admiration tothe magnanimity of womanhood the Canturbury Tales speaks highly of woman.

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