
Why did christopher bruce make ghost dance?

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  1. Dorene Zeller


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  2.  ...Some of these are absolutely dreadful answers.

    Ghost dances was choreographed in response to the 1973 military coup in Chile. Prior to 1973, Salvador Allende, a marxist-communist figure, was democratically elected as leader of Chile. However, after many other South American countries had begun to follow a communist ideology, America was distinctly opposed to Chile's new leader. This was because communism was the exact opposite of a capitalist economy, which is what America was and it was scared of this idea spreading. It wanted to protect its interests in Chile (Chile produces a third of the world's copper) and helped fund the military takeover that left General Pinochet in dictatorship for years to come.

    Christopher Bruce, after meeting the wife of prominent political figure Victor Jara, an icon for leftist thinkers, choreographed Ghost dances to highlight the issue of political prisoners or prisoners of conscience. This was because both Victor Jara and his wife, as well as thousands and thousands of Allende's supporters were imprisoned for their beliefs and not for any crime. Ghost dances is especially poignant if you take the couple who dance to 'Dolencias' to be Jara and his wife, and the villagers represent the normal people whose communities were ripped apart by sudden unexplained disappearances and the constant state of anxiety.

    On the other hand, it does represent the resilience of the human people, to return to normal life under horrific circumstances. 

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  4. In Ghost Dances by Christopher Bruce we see 8 villagers picked off by 3 ghosts in a cave in the Andes Mountains. Bruce met the widow of Victor Jara (an actor/musician) who was threatened by General Pinochet - who overthrew the Chilean Government and ran an oppressive regime in 1973. People who opposed Pinochet were murdered (Victor Jara was murdered for his opinions against Pinochet's regime). This is the basis of Bruce's choreography. By Angel

  5. In Ghost Dances by Christopher Bruce we see 8 villagers picked off by 3 ghosts in a cave in the Andes Mountains. Bruce met the widow of Victor Jara (an actor/musician) who was threatened by General Pinochet - who overthrew the Chilean Government and ran an oppressive regime in 1973. People who opposed Pinochet were murdered (Victor Jara was murdered for his opinions against Pinochet's regime). This is the basis of Bruce's choreography. By Angel

  6. to show tension to the ordence and show suffering and torcher to the good and also he had problerm with his legs but came the best dancer in the world.

  7. he created it too show what was happening in chillie and to show what people believed in in chillie , i lernt that in dance.

  8. well its a political message throughout. Bruce wanted the audience to see what was going on there. Ghost dances is full of the political messages, its easy to see why he wanted to make the world see what was going on in Chile!

  9. Ghost Dances portrays the suffering and tourture that Chile people endured during the Pinocht Regime. It also shows how unsespecting the people were and how oblivous they were.

  10. why did cb create ghost dances?

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