
Why did conservative radio people (Rush, Hannity, Savage, Levin, O'Reilly) actively avoid military service?

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Why did conservative radio people (Rush, Hannity, Savage, Levin, O'Reilly) actively avoid military service?




  1. Because they're just like any moron coward conservative. Bush did the same thing.

  2. Your question is faulty as you are faulty.

  3. hannity is not old enough for viet nam.  Neither is Mark Levin.  Both were teenagers when the war ended in 1974 and the draft was ended in 1973. It's not possible for them to have "avoided" military service, considering the Army never drafted 15 year olds.  

    Rush got a deferment, as did O'Reilly.  Not sure about savage.

    The point is, half of the people on your list did not actively avoid military service, so you are basically a liar and should re-write your question in a truthful manner next time.

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