
Why did crucifixions take place on the tops of hills?

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Why did crucifixions take place on the tops of hills?




  1. because it would be difficult to do it underneath the hill

  2. Firstly, as others else pointed out they were not allways on hilltops. The effect was for people in the area to be controled and affected by the punishment, so it depended where people could see it.

       Not all crucifictions ended up in the ultimate death of the unfortunate. Sometimes it was like a deterent.. you have been a naughty boy, 2 days on the cross then you can go home.. Just dont do it agian. There is a small argument that few lead to actual deaths except for extreme dissidants (in the Roman's eyes)

      Also it was not uncommon for people with a following to have "stand in's" that actually took place of the person to be crucified (helped by little lack of Roman intellegince in identification) which in one famous case ended up in a reserection.

  3. Actually they didn't, and I would be interested in knowing your source that says they did...

    You have been watching too many movies.

  4. It was their version of neighborhood watch

  5. So everyone can see it.

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