
Why did diesel fuel go up in price recently?

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i thought diesel was more easy to fuel price is over 50 cents higher than gas. i have a tdi vw for the good milage and now the fuel is costly! why?




  1. because venezuela (part of the OPEC) is not selling their oil to us. This is a oil embargo.

  2. They use the excuse of Global Warming to charge us 3 prices and make billions of dollars.

  3. Evil libs will not let us drill enough wells.  They also deter new refineries.

  4. h**l if i know 10, 15 years or so ago diesel was half the price of gasoline . Anymore its not how much per gallon but rather how much per mile . Just all a bunch of c**p isn't it . They tell you its harder to produce and that's bull supply and demand bull . h**l its greed and we all know it . Look at all the record breaking profits the big oil company's are making whats that tell you . The people telling you other wise probably work for the oil company's and like good little boys and girls they believe what there superiors tell them or just leading every one on so everyone doesn't get wise

  5. Diesel has more taxes in most states so they can get more money from the trucks using the roads. When I was young, diesel was a lot cheaper. We were told it was because it took less cost to refine than gasoline.

  6. Because oil companies know that diesels get better mileage.It seems they are charging for fuel in terms of energy= so many miles.

    However I mix my fuel with wvo,so my diesel is half the cost.

  7. Actually, todays transportation diesel is as highly refined as gasoline, so the cost of production is about the same.  Less, however, is produced because most refineries are set up to make gasoline.  In addition, the fraction of crude oil used to make diesel is also used to make heating oil, so in the winter there is competition for this material causing the price to go up.

  8. Diesel is not more easily refined, but merely part  of the refining process.     Crude oil is made up of both Gasoline and Diesel as well as otehr chemicals like petroleum jelly , and Petroleum Ether.    THe refining process is merely a way to seperate the Diesel from the Gasoline and from the other components.   Diesel prices is tied in to the price of Gasoline.

  9. Like traveler said, supply and demand. Cost of production has nothing to do with it.

  10. Diesel is not more easily refined, but merely part of the refining process. Crude oil is made up of both Gasoline and Diesel as well as otehr chemicals like petroleum jelly , and Petroleum Ether. THe refining process is merely a way to seperate the Diesel from the Gasoline and from the other components.

  11. Supply and demand.  Period.

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