
Why did dinosaurs became extinct?

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Why did dinosaurs became extinct?




  1. Dinosaurs became less diverse toward the end of the Cretaceous.   The number of species diminished.  There was clearly a strain on dinosaurs before extinction.  The asteroid in Mexico and perhaps a couple others may have had an impact (pardon the pun).  Volcanoes such as the Deccan Basalts in India were extremely large and may have added insult to injury.    I suspect is not as simple as an asteroid.

  2. Well, this one is debated.

    The one thing we know is that the only thing strong enough to wipe them all out would be a massive global climate change. The main theory is that there was a large asteroid. (Some think it has been discovered near Mexico in the ocean)

    After this asteroid hit Earth, the debris blocked out the sun and caused the climate to change. The dinosaurs, who were large and could not quickly adapt, died out.

    Some scientists from the Milwaukee Public Museum claim to have found dust that is the same as the dust of asteroids/meteors on some of the dinosaur bones. For this reason, the theory is generally accepted.

  3. metor crashed in the gulf of mexico and lead to a dramatic change in climate. those that weren't killed by the giant wave froze and/or starved to death.

  4. the asteroid that hit the earth long time ago made them extinct

  5. Off course that was because global warming !

    Ask Al Gore he'll tell you!!

  6. Many Bible believing Christians think most were destroyed by the flood.

  7. The prevailing theory is an asteroid impact. There is pretty good evidence for that, but I wouldn't say it was 100% proven. Maybe 90%.

  8. Volcano outburst can be one reason.

    It is said that scientists have found that evidences began to accumulate and prove that dinosaurs are the ancestor of chickens.

    Imagine those ancient huge "chickens" were unable to escape quickly enough from the burning lava, or flood  or any kinds of tragic disasters.

  9. we only have suposition

    could have been the meteor that made the gulf of Mexico .something of that size would cloud the earth for years starting another ice age and the shock waves would kill everything for thousands of miles around

    Many science fiction movies favor meteor storms

    Nobody knows for  sure ,it was a long time ago

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