
Why did/does south ossetia want seccesion from georgia?

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after reading about the south ossetia/georgia/russia conflict, before i pronounce my support for georgia I'd like to understand why south ossetia is trying to separate in the first place

thanks in advance




  1. 1. Because Georgians keep eliminating South Ossetians since 1921

    2. Because South Ossetians want to reunite with North Ossetians (notice that both of them are Ossetians, eh?)

    3. Because Kosovo separated from Serbia

    4. Because East Germany united with West Germany

  2. in 1989 a family from abhazia escaped from georgia(that was USSR times so actually georgian republic) to their relatives who lived near my house. that was during the first georgian war. and it was genocide. georgian troops entered abhazian villages and tried to eliminate abhazian people. this family had kids about my age (i was 4yrs old) so we spent much time together. they said terrible things. georgian soldiers shot abhazian women in head. thats not propaganda, i heard it from abhazian family that escaped from georgia during the war.

    same things happened in s.osetia. population of s.osetia was 130'000people of which 2000 were murdered during the few hours of war on 8th of aug and at least 34'000 had to leave their houses. most of them are now in Russia as refugees. i can't even imagine any osetian who'd like to be a part of georgia now

  3. they want to return to mother russia.

  4. They speak different language.

    Also, she was incorporated into Georgia at the time of Joseph Stalin.

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