
Why did environmentalist burn down houses?

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I don't underastand their thoughts about burning down houses. Wouldn't the smoke be bad and taking a chance on the forest around these houses catching on fire.




  1. Because they are eco-n***s.

  2. This is similar to the question of why some people who consider themselves Christians vote for Republicans.

    Sometimes people's actions don't follow their words and beliefs.

  3. Technically what you are asking about is called "Eco-terrorism". You need to read Edward Abby to kind of understand their mind set, but basically it is those who love nature so much they are willing to go to war for it. They see conspicuous consumption as an assault on the natural world, and the only why to deal with it is to fight back.

    It is really no different then those in the radical religious fronts, i.e. Islamic terrorism and evangelicals who bomb plan parenthood clinics and are raising their children as warriors of god for the coming Apocalypse.  They either see no hope for their side or cause, or just plan don't have any respect for human life because they see civilization as the problems to all.

    At least the Eco-terrorists aren't murders.

  4. Sam has me confused.  I am a christian and vote mostly Republican because every Dem. I see is trying to take my religious freedom away and is too wishy-washy about committing to anything.  They all seem to change their beliefs depending on who they are talking to today.

    As for the house burning  I have wondered the same thing it seems counter to the belief that nature should come first.  They  certainly didn't save any trees by burning after the fact and if anything now more tree es will be cut to replace the lumber that was burnt.

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