
Why did ersatz israel break the truce?

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israeli troops killed two Palestinians in the West Bank city of Nablus.

By Palestinian, I take it they killed two unarmed civilian. Most likely they are killing children again.

So why is israel so fearful of entering into peace?




  1. The Truce NEVER INCLUDED The West say that it did is another Palestinian fabrication of the truth...just like the Question's referring to Israel in a DEROGATORY MANNER!

  2. The "truce" was broken by the Muslim terrorists who fired three missiles from Gaza into Israel on Tuesday.

    The "truce" was signed with Hamas and covered only Gaza and not Shekhem (Nablus).

    So it turns out that in addition to insulting the State of Israel by calling it "ersatz," you also had your facts backwards.

    That's quite a combination!


  3. Jihdians shot two missiles into Israel, Israel did what it should, the Palestinifascist are telling lies again.

  4. The truce didn't cover the West Bank only the Gaza Strip. You really ought to check your facts before posting questions that are absurd.

    The only people to break the truce are the Palestinians:

    Islamic Jihad in the above link said of the deaths in Nablus the "one of the dead was one of its senior fighters" and although one was a student, the army said "both men were armed". So one was a senior militant and both were armed. Not exactly "unarmed civilians" are they!

  5. Gee, it couldn't be because the Palestinians broke the truce first, could it?

    But then, what did Israel expect? There is no good way to reason with terrorists.

  6. It happened so many times in the past.

    The Jews cannot say yes to Peace.

    Maybe they have removed this word from this Judaic dialect they speak.

    Too bad for them, because no one respects them anymore.

    I don't for once.

  7. We didn't!


    Ms. Miche ; })

  8. Why do you blatantly disregard your own peoples' responsibility of having fired rockets into Israel? You are guilty of the very thing you claim the Israelis are doing.

  9. you are very much mistaken!!!

    read and shut up,7340,...,7340,...

  10. John E-

    You say we do not have the word 'Peace' in Hebrew....

    It's 'Shalom'.

    Dum de dum dum DUMB.

    And to answer the main question, Palestinians fired rockets first.

  11. Hamas claimed responsibility and control over these rebel factions in Gaza and knew it was a lie when they said it.

    They are responsible for the gate closing just as last time this was tried.

    Until the people are allowed to throw Hamas out and implant some leaders with their citizens good in mind, this will continue.

    Giving into Hamas works about as well as trying to trade land for peace.

    Never happen.

  12. The truce didn't cover the West Bank. Islamic Jihad must hate the Palestinians since I really doubt the two rockets they fired are going to do anything but bring more hardship to them.

  13. bc the palestinians shot kassam rockets into israel

  14. it didn't, and you know it.

    israel tried to arrest a militant terrorist. they had every legal right to do so, he was charged and they were putting him under arrest.

    (sorry if the rule of law is so difficult for some of you to understand.)

    the guy barricaded himself with guns. the police had no choice but to kill him. they made every effort not to kill the civilians he was hiding behind.

    in response to this lawful act, terrorist palestinians broke the truce and fired rockets from gaza into israel.

    the west bank was not part of the truce. gaza was. the palestinians broke the truce.

    and you know it.

  15. actually Palestine starts it all we just get them back. and were not fearful its the Palestines that don't agree and we don't want peace with them after all they did to us.

  16. They always break truces. Peace is not in their interests. It is very much in the interests of the Palestinians. This incident was not the first; check Ma'an news Agency or Reuters; they shot a 67-year-old man in the Gaza in cold blood last week.

  17. I just love how whenever Israel retaliates the attacks by Palestinians, it gets blamed for it!

    What other country in the world gets such a treatment?

    I sense a double standard here!

  18. No, Israel did not break the truce and Israel isn't afraid of peace or the truth that surrounds it.

    Stop, alto halt spreading propaganda against Israel.

    One still can't after months spell eretz correctly such an anti-semite like a pesky little rat that collects little tidbits of information and tries to pass them off to unsuspecting young as kosher. Eww, yuck.

    Here is the video regarding the JIhad commander and the other gunman this a.m. who opened fire when attempt was made to put them under arrest.

    If he was such a peaceful palestininan he wouldn't be a commander with an ak-47 opening fire on people now would he.

    There's an infestation problem and someone needs to take care of it.

  19. peace?

    that would mean the loss of the zionist dream ,the loss of temple mount,and war is abit profitable plus peace would mean some sort of stop in hostilities and a rise of a palestinian front so thats what i think....the truce ,well israel killed a member of islamic jihad in west bank plus that of a civilian and the members in gaza felt the need to retaliate what they saw as israel killing someone after a truce that said no hostilities

  20. Because Islamic Jihad did it first.

  21. Israel did not break the truce; they were simply retaliating the Palestinian aggression.

  22. sorry i dont mean to offende anybody but i say what had happened in the past. jew made agreement with god but they broke it . in the past, before jesus ........

    on the time of the holy prophet muhamad they did the same. read quran u ll understand more. do u know why they didnt accept muhamad(saw) bcoz he wasnt  a jew. so making any agreement with jews is wasting of time coz they cant hold on what they say.

    hope people will not get me wrong

  23. They broke the truce mainly cuz they don't know how to keep a truce

  24. West Bank is not covered. However Hamas did break the truce yesterday firing at three schools in Jerusalem and injuring ten children.Should Israel not go in and finish these child Killers once and for all. Then all of the world would rejoice. Hamas knows no conscience only murder. Time to take the devil out of this worlld.

  25. From what I heard 2 bombs were fired over into Israel first from your side

  26. Ziyuoon

    West bank and the Gaza Arabs have different ideologies, there was no need for a truce with west bank.

    Just for your information, wherever armed Hamas militants are present the locals notify us.

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