
Why did female humans develope to be so Darn judgmental,?

by  |  earlier

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say one little thing and they go off on a tangent.for hours on end.and all i am allowed to say while there talking is yes dear.why is that?




  1. You've been dating the wrong women. There are women like that, but certainly not all of us. Like, personally, I find your negative steriotyping of all women based on a few to be annoying, but I'm not going to go on about it for hours. I do understand what your talking about, for example once I had a female roomate who lectured me for hours because I left a damp mop in the bathtub, when I could have just moved the mop and we could have gotten on with our lives. Some men are like that too though. There are overly critical people of both genders, but also people who aren't like that because they would find it a total waste of time. You just need to find a woman who's more easy going.

  2. come on... not all women act this way blah,blah,blah

    both WOMEN and MEN have down falls thus the GWS section on Yahoo answers

    I could go on and on about how much men suck and how I justify my reasons, but them I would sound like... well not trying to be condescending... you

    sorry that was a low-blow

  3. its because you've somehow hurt her and she wants you to hurt also. she knows she cant beat you physically, so the judgemental yaking is the next best thing.after you listen to her concrens she'll feel a lil better, she'll feel that you at least care about her feelings. so just humor her.  good luck.

  4. I feel your pain, brotha.  Just make a sarcastic face and subtley mock her behind her back.  She'll keep on complaining, but at least you'll get a little enjoyment out of it.

  5. One of our built-in WMD!  HAHAHA

    Vincent: so true....and since the first step to being a Saint is death.....hmmm.  But hormonal flucuations play a big role.  I tell my hub, to understand by not even trying to.  Your mind will explode, so sometimes we act that way because there is no other explanation!

  6. Because the male human is so darn antagonistic!  If we say yes...he says no.   If we say do....he says don't.   I could go on for days, but being an antagonist, I'm sure you'll oppose me.


  7. No one can treat you like that without your permission.

    If you don't like the way you are treated, be frank and straightforward about it. Say so. Some women *and* men do react with too much sensitivity toward statements, take things too personally, etc.  It's a behavior probably learned from childhood. You can't change it. They have to recognize it and change it in themselves.

    I'd like to also bring to your attention that you are passing judgment on women here, too. We all pass judgment. Some are just more vocal than others.

    My advice would be to tell her just how you feel. Not in an accusatory way, but just simply and honestly. Tell her, "It bothers me when you seem to blow out of proportion certain things I say." Then tell her why you think it's not something she should get so upset about. Then try to see *why* she is upset about it. Maybe she's just having a crappy day in general and taking it out on you.

    Try a little support and sympathy and see if you can cheer her up and calm her down. Ask her how her day went. Change the subject when she starts ranting, so you can get to the real root of the problem.

    If these things don't work, there may be insurmountable problems in your relationship that will require counseling or perhaps trial separation. Sometimes personalities just don't mesh, or one person isn't mature enough to handle a relationship, or you just grow in different directions at different speeds.

    One last bit of advice. When in doubt, just give her a hug. That works on me. :)

    Good luck.

  8. My friend! That is the way of them.!  Any man who says he can understand a woman, is either a Saint or a liar!

    How many Saints do you know?

  9. Well... then you must be a woman Keffer. ;-)

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