
Why did fred thompson claim that having a knocked up, unwed teenage daughter is "small town values"?

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Who else caught that during his speech the other night?




  1. Because that's the kind of small town values McCain and Thompson want...a bunch of teenage girls to hit on!

  2. I would expect a little better out of a person who's self-named avatar is "AIM HIGH", guess that's just asking a little too much out of you.

  3. Cool it you vultures!  America can see how ugly this is and they're not impressed!

  4. Cuz dat's how dey do it in doze parts o' town!!!

  5. That kind of remark just shows Fred Thompson's ignorance about Teenage pregnancies.. Obviously he must think there are no Unwed mothers in LA, Chicago, NYC, Dallas, Atlanta, or any of the other big cities.. It was a dumb remark..

    It is also wrong to blame Palin for her daughters actions.. Her daughter is old enough to know right from wrong, and to make her own decisions on such a personnel matter. It's a real tough fight for any parent to raise a near perfect child in this world with all the shows on TV and sites on the internet promoting s*x.. Any one who has ever raised a child knows that you can't make them bend to your will every second of the day, and all kids are subject to outside influences.. At some point they either accept or reject the values and standards you have tried to instill in them as they are growing up.

  6. I take it you've never been to a small town.

  7. For the same reason they think they shouldn't have to apologize for invading a country using bullshit intelligence and killing 600,000+ people. They are republicans a superior kind of idiot.

  8. I certainly did, and having a knocked-up unwed teenage daughter only shows what kind of irresponsible mother Palin is. Having someone who can't take care of her kids taking care of a nation is nuts.

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