
Why did god ask noah to save the animals?

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why not drown them all (instead of all but 2) and make new ones




  1. He did not ask noah to "save the animals". God sent the animals to the ark, and noah did not turn away from the people either. It says also that God shut the door of the was all in God's hands my friend.

  2. It's an allegorical fable- only cranks take it literally.

  3. It is all about obedience. What are we willing and not willing to do if God asks us. What can't we do with God's help.

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  4. great question. I guess all the birds and plants died off as well

  5. God didn't ask Noah to bring the animals; He TOLD him to.

    I am not sure, but God may have wanted to keep His creation preserved because He didn't want to go through the creation process again. He has a plan that involves his original creation.

    Read Genesis again. You may find something new. I find something new almost every time I read it.  

  6. Sounds like one that you'll have to ask God directly when you get to heaven.  I plan on being there, how about you?

  7. Why not just kill the humans as well? No reason not to.

  8. He lost the instruction sheets, and He was pretty sure He'd never be able to get the platypus right again.

  9. This myth was inserted to appeal to all true believers who own pets. Good idea, wasn't it.

  10. That's exactly what He did - drowned them all but two of each sort.

    Not that many animals, really. Two dogs. Two cats. Etc.

  11. Well it isn't two of each in the bible actually.

    It's 'by sevens' of the clean animals, and 'by twos' of the unclean ones.

  12. Perhaps because he wanted the next generation of humans to accept what he had told them back in the beginning...that WE are responsible for caring for this planet and all the animals on it.  

    A fairly common human failing is that we tend to place far less value on the property of others than we do on our own property.  How many people have no problem leaving their trash in the park or dumping a dirty diaper in a parking lot...but these same people would never leave their trash on their front yard or dump a dirty diaper in their driveway???  Vandals don't vandalize their own property, they vandalize public property or property owned by another person!

    By making Noah responsible for saving the animals, God, in essence, gave him (and his family and his descendants) a sense of ownership and a desire to care for those animals to ensure their survival. Seems like he was making a point he tried to make from the very beginning...that WE are responsible for this planet...that everything that happens on this planet...good and a result of OUR choices!  

  13. Because God wants to show that he is an all-loving being by sparing 2 lives from every species and killing off all the rest.

  14. Please, read the Bible and your questions will be answered. God would not make "new ones" because His work of creation was finished on the 7th day of creation. God had Noah save a remnant of the animals so that they could survive the devastation of the flood and live and reproduce on the earth afterwards.

    (Genesis 2:1-2) Thus the heavens and the earth, and all the host of them, were finished. And on the seventh day God ended His work which He had done, and He rested on the seventh day from all His work which He had done.

  15. It must have been tricky for Noah to get all of the fish in the ark, and God must have been really pissed off to kill the rest of the fish THAT WERE STILL IN THE WATER!  

    I also disprove of the incest that was required to repopulate the planet.

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