
Why did gregory helms stop being the hurricane?

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Why did gregory helms stop being the hurricane?




  1. because the wwe is starting to become kind of dumb now

    i mean look no more RVD,Goldust, Sabu, Sandman, others.

    sure their contract expired but they could have renewed it.

  2. I think the gimmick was discontinued right around, or after Hurricane Katrina.  Same as the song "Let the bodies hit the floor" being discontinued right around 9/11.

  3. cause the whole idea of a superhero was idiotic to him. i mean this guy (the character) thought he could fly. I think it was too humiliating for him.

  4. ask the wwe writers

  5. To quote JBL in SVD 08, "Who needs a bunch of 8 year olds screaming your name when you can have some championship gold around your waist?"

  6. he wanted to move on i guess. personally, i liked sugar shane helms and hurricane better than his current gimmick, but thats just me

  7. I guess he figured it was time for a change.

  8. Well, i think his contract expired and he probably was getting sick of "the hurricane".

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