
Why did harold godwinson want to be king in 1066?

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  1. Hi


  2. don't no soz

  3. This dosent really answar the question but he thought he should be king because he was the only englishman who thought he should be king (apart from edgar the atheling but he wasnt one of the main contenders) and he has a lot of experence as being king because he helped edward a lot when he was king. Also he claimed that Edward promised him that he would be king when he died. On some websites it says that Harold sweared on a oath that he would help william duke of normandy be king when edward died but what really happened was.... Edward was ill and coudent leave his palace so he sent harold to give william a message so he set of in his boat but he got caught up in a storm and his boat was wreaked and he got put in to jail by a man because he wasnt sopost to be on his land but william came along to the jail because he heard that harold was in there so william set harold free from jail and took him back to his huge home (or palace) they sat down on either sides on a table and william told harold that edward promised him that he would be king when he died.  Harold didt say anything because he just rescued him from jail and william could eaisely put him back in jail.  Then William told him that he would like he suport and if he did become king that harold would help him.  Harold just simled and said yes ect and then william said to him do u promise to help me become king and harold said (not wanting to) "yes" because he knew that he could go back into jail then william pulled of the table cloth and under it was a oath so harold had to keep his promise. So William tricked Harold.  I hope this helps.

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