
Why did he have to go to high school?

by  |  earlier

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i've just currently starting high school, yesterday was my first day, and i'm already having to deal with own. you see, i have a boyfriend, and i really like him ,but i keep seeing my ex (he's a sophmore now), i have lunch with him, were pretty good friends, but i'm afraid i still have feelings for him (in fact i'm pretty sure of it) but i don't want to hurt ,my boyfriend by still liking him. I seriously don't know what to do.




  1. How does all of this relate to your question: "Why did he have to go to high school?"  ??

  2. Mabey if you still have feelings for you ex then you should go back to him and see if it can work but then again you don't wanna hurt your bf

  3. So you're saying you have feelings for your ex who cheated on you? I'm not saying it's right to stay with your current boyfriend, but I am saying it's not a good idea to go after your ex. Get over him, put him out of your mind.

    DON'T stay with the current bf if you're not in love with him, regardless of how you feel about the ex. It's not fair to your bf (especially if he treats you well) and not fair to you.. it's like lying to yourself. You don't need to be in a relationship to be complete or to be able to feel good about yourself. And, btw 'he doesn't cheat' is not a reason to stay. It shouldn't be seen as something extra in a relationship, but as something necessary.

    DO stay with your current bf if you think you can get over the ex and still care about the current guy, and think you can make things work together.

    DO talk with the current bf about your feelings. I wouldn't go into detail or anything, because that might hurt him, but I would let him know things are going on with you and that you're trying to figure stuff out. That way, if you do decide to end things, it doesn't seem like it's coming out of nowhere and he knows it's not his fault.

    DON'T become a cheater, too! Break up with the current guy before doing something stupid with the ex. Nobody deserves it.

    Try and figure out what feelings you really have for the ex. Is it more than friendship? Try not hanging out with him for a while to see if the feelings go away. I can't see what's going on in your head, you have to figure that one out for yourself.

    Just be true to you and be honest to your bf and it'll all work out. Good luck, girl.

  4. Well lol, If you want to get back to your ex boyfriend you could break up with your current one and wait a few months, to make it seem as if it wasn't just to get with someone else. Only a suggestion though, lol.

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