I was at a car show with my b/f and his son. Two guys were walking towards us (one, my b/f knew and i went to school with the other guy...we were friends, but didn't really hang out much)...the first guy stopped to talk to my b/f and the guy i went to school with walked right past my b/f and gave me a huge hug, like both arms, squeezing tight hug. Why did he just walk past my b/f and grab me like that...he always says hi when i see him somewhere, we always make small talk when i see him.
This guy knows my parents (my dad and him kind of work in the same type of field)...anyways...when he sees my parents he always asks them how i am, and how me and my b/f are doing...
Would that be weird to you? it was just odd and idk what to think...