
Why did he not care???

by  |  earlier

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Ok so a few weeks ago me and my husband had a talk about how to spice things up a bit. I told him some things about me that I would like and he did the same. So yesterday I went shopping and bought some things like chocolate, strawberrys, whip cream , bubble bath, aroma theraphy candles and even stopped off at victoria secrets. I spent all afternoon prepareing what I was gonna do. I put rose petals on the floor leading to a nice bubble bath by candle light and sliped into to something s**y and brought him wine and the chocolate strawberries. I bathed him off and then gave him a massage to set the mood. When it came time for the love makeing he acted like it was a chore. Definately not what I expected he was not excited or surprised he showed no emotion at all I am very hurt but I dont know what to do. He has been acting strange anyway changes in his s*x drive and being very mean. I just wanted to show him I loved him whats going on??




  1. You need to do some investigating.  It doesn't sound good.  He sounds like he's feeling guilty.

    Nice hat:)

  2. That romance c**p is for women!

    You should of tied his azz up and rode that unicorn until the sun came up.

    You should of made that man your s*x slave.

    And you should of swallowed.

    Oh well, maybe next time!

  3. To be honest, men aren't the same as us. The whole bed of roses thing and a bath is not a guys idea of a "good time." Not saying it's not nice, but they have a different view of things. Try being the nasty girl that takes charge and see where that gets you. Too much build up can just wear them out and then they are tired. A bath and a massage would knock my man out!! If you can, look on his computer and see what kind of p**n he's watching. (Sorry to be so blunt) That will show you what he might be in to. Good luck!  

  4. He very well could have a medical condition that is affecting his libido.  This can be VERY frustrating for men, often times they will lash out in anger because they don't understand why their body isn't working like it used to.

    Examples of medical conditions that affect men's libido are high blood pressure and diabetes.  Perhaps you could schedule a doctor's appointment, let your husband explain his situation to the doctor.  

  5. I think he is on his way out of the relationship.  The spicing things up convo was just that, a convo.  He never really had intentions of telling you what he really wants.  He probably didn't think you would do all of that for him.  I don't think that romance rose petals stuff is something women should do for men but rather vice versa.  The best thing is to have an honest convo and tell him how you feel.  No one on here will know the exact answer except for your husband.  
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