
Why did he play me and only use me?

by Guest61248  |  earlier

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so ive been together with this guy for 7 months, we've been on and off.

and were both in highschool, i really got attached and i thought he really liked me back. we did stuff together; everything but s*x. it was my first time doing that stuff too.

a couple weeks ago, we ended our relationship for good. well actually he ended it. and the reason he told me was that, "our relationship was too sexual." basically saying he only liked me for the sexual things we did. the hardest part was that everyone called it, but i didnt believe it until it finally happened.

why do you think he played me? and what are some signs to know for the future?




  1. Men can sense weakness. We smell blood in the water and we will take advantage of girls that let us.  

  2. That is OK, you made a mistake, but good news you are not the only one. many people done it and paid the price. If u really want someone for life, show him that you are not easy. s*x comes with commitment, not as a casual thing. Men at the end, will not respect you if you are so readily available for s*x.

  3. He played you because you let him.  Now that you are wiser, don't let it happen again!  Next time, make it clear that you have boundaries and if the guy doesn't respect that, then move on.

    You are worth pursuing, sweetie, so don't drop you standards!

  4. Maybe he wasn't ready for a committed relationship, due to the fact that you guys are still in high school.

    I don't want to sound mean or offensive to you...but sometimes people like to try relationships out with different types of people before they actually settle down and get real.

  5. This is one of the hardest things about high school, if you ask me, and it's a long time since I've been.

    Personally, I think it is because of the difference between males and females of our species, and that really goes for any age.  But you should know that at your age in particular, girls are generally a little bit better developed mentally and emotionally than boys are.

    In a very few short years this difference will even itself out, but for the time being, consider yourself on a different emotional and physical level than most of the boys who are your same age.  Now, this can translate itself in different ways for you personally.  You may be the kind of girl who likes to experiment sexually and feels comfortable doing so, or you may be just the opposite.  But that part does not really matter.

    The short answer is that you are probably just a little bit more mature than your ex and he is just a little bit more immature than you.  Although he may not realize this on a conscious level, he did realize this difference made him uncomfortable, which I think is why he broke up with you.

  6. He played you because you were/are stupid. Sorry, but the truth hurts and you asked this question for an honest answer and I am giving you one. You need to learn to trust your closest friends and listen to what they say about guys you date from now on. If you listened to them before hand you would of save so much time instead of wasting it on a loser.

  7. sounds like you were good at giving he what he wanted... don't stress; you'll find someone better.

  8. he played you hun. sry.

  9. He only wanted you for one thing

  10. If you do sexual things more than you talk, that's a big sign.

    Try for a good solid friendship first where you can talk about anything and be comfortable hanging out, and don't worry about the sexual stuff till later on.

  11. First don't take what I tell you and assume all guys are going to be like me because we are all diffrent ok. I think he did it just for fun like some guys do which is wrong in every way it could be. I'm not sure how to help you out with the signs of being played because I don't do it and I've never been played either the best thing you can do is ask yourself  does he really like me or is he just playin me. If something tells you your being played then get out of the relationship. Its not much but I hope I helped a little bit.

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