
Why did he smell bad.........

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I've known him for a long time & he takes showers everyday. Also, it didn't smell like he hadn't had a bath, nor musty, nor like he stepped in dog poo so why did he smell?




  1. Guys have worse BO than women. A guy can shower every day, and still smell, especially if he sweats a lot while working.

    Haha, Kameragi... is wondering if his d*ck smelled.

  2. More than likely he is uncircumcised and has a buildup of Smegma! He needs to go and get circumcised!

  3. its not him.. its you

    its called anti-persperant

    get hip to it!

  4. who are you talking about and what did he smell of?

  5. are you talkin about obama


  6. what..smelled?

  7. It could be alcohol coming out of his pores. When I used to drink heavily, my employer complained of my body odor. Naturally, I was horrified and bathed more often. I even carried a wash cloth with soap and deoderant to work, but to no avail. The odor didn't stop until I stopped drinking alcohol.

    The other posibilities are cancer, infection or yeast overgrowth. If your friend has slender legs and arms, but a big middle, he probably has yeast overgrowth. If this is the case, give him a book named, "The Yeast Connection". It would probably be better for your friendship if you do so anonymously. Best wishes

  8. It's called B.O.

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