
Why did he think i like girls?

by  |  earlier

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umm im in highschool my moms friend who is a man was talking to me asking if i date in highschool i was like no and he said "oh, do u like boys?" and i said. yes. then he asked, "oh, do you like girls?" i was like "No.." it was really strange why the h**l would he ask me if i like girls and boys just because i don't date rite now does he want me or somethin. he always tells me, o u can stay over my house if ur mom moves.




  1. why assume that he asked you that because you said you didn't date in high school. he could have just been curious.

  2. Weird..stay away from him

  3. thats really kind of creepy that an older man would ask personal quesions like that. i would avoid him if i were you.

  4. okay

    that man likes u unless u want to have relation with him dont go near him

    dont be alone with him

    just keep ur distance with him

  5. Um, hi.

  6. you can't trust your moms friend, what does this have to do with mens health?

  7. Weird!!

  8. Avoid him he wouldn't be asking such personal questions and telling you to come to his place if he didn't have other motives

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