
Why did hillary back obama?

by Guest55828  |  earlier

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hillary and mccain are alot more alike in their thinking than obama. shes all about party lines too regardless of whats best for our country. for her to back a socialist over a patriot is a disgrace. shes not the person I thought she was.




  1. obama loves blondes and hillary loves

  2. Hillary and McCain are actually diametrically opposed in many of their positions.  You only give a few reasons why they're similar, so I'll respond to them.

    1. She actually has said a lot about lessening the bickering between the parties.  Even Obama doesn't want to unite them, but rather to have them cooperate.  This position is much closer to Obama than McCain, who specifically totes the ideas of the Republican party and says almost nothing about Democrats.

    2. Obama isn't a socialist.  Many of the positions you're probably thinking of that he supports are and were backed by Clinton.  You don't understand the definition of socialism if you're calling him a socialist, and I don't care to define it for you.  Instead I'll just make the point that all 3 candidates support public programs to help those less fortunate, Clinton and Obama just support more of them.

    3. Your definition of patriotism is also off.  I don't understand what you mean by it.  The definition of a true patriot is one who works to better ones country, and all 3 candidates are working to that end.  If you have proof as to otherwise, feel free to tell me in an email, I'm DYING to know why Obama isn't patriotic.

  3. I fail to see where Hillary and McCain's thinking are the same on...anything. Foreign policy, maybe slightly more similar than Obama. But on abortion...nope. On health care...nope, again, she's much closer to Obama. On taxes...yeah, pretty much closer to Obama. I don't really see any issues where she and McCain coincide.

  4. She has to pretend to back him, if not she will never have a chance at running again with DNC support, few believe she really supports Obama, a necessary political game.

  5. Clinton is a liberal Democrat, like Obama.  She is not a lot more like McCain.  That's a GOP fallacy...

  6. She has to support the Democratic party if she ever wants to run again for President.  So she had no choice.  But I really believe that she would rather see McCain elected because he may only run for one term and she will have a chance to run again in 2012 if he wins.  If Barack wins, it will be 2016.  When the curtain closes, no matter what she has said in public, she will vote for McCain.

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