
Why did humans begin to cover their private parts?

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It is purely scientific question, please answer accordingly.




  1. the apple ring a bell?

  2. Human beings are the most precious creation made by god and when god created human . He has given as brain and we have 6 sense comparing to animals have 5 sense.

    We cannot be naked as animals and we can't keep watching anyone naked as we see animals.

    So it is the law of human to be covered the private parts.

    The person who guard his tongue & private parts will be in heaven - words of Prophet -

  3. Because they are sensitive--lots of nerve endings--and therefore need protecting.

  4. most likely because our private parts are tender and somewhat delicate, if they were damaged we wouldn't be able to reproduce.

  5. To look more decent i suppose....

  6. do you know the indian population it more then 110 corer

    if human being wont cover there private parts then guess what will be the ratio off population............

  7. Anything 'PRIVATE' is personal and kept accordingly.

    so i hope this answers your question.

  8. Forget the biblical c**p... There is a real explanation for that which does not rely on a book of fairy tales and allegory.

    Before Constantine of Rome assembled the books of the bible, Paganism was the widespread religion of many communities throughout Europe. It was no secret that many pagan rites and indeed, the belief system itself,  advocated nudity, which was viewed as a way of becoming closer, even "one" with nature and the elements. As Christianity began to prevail in Europe, towns and villages that formerly practiced the ancient pagan ways adopted Christianity and the decency standards set by the church, which felt the exposure of the flesh was a sin.

    Interesting side note: Did you know that the origin of the word "villain" in Old French was literally translated as people of the villages? This was a derogatory term used by those in the Roman Empire and church to specifically describe resistant villagers that held on to the pagan ways, rather than converting to Christianity. That is also why that word STILL has a negative connotation today.

  9. they disturb if open.

    secondly they become public if open.

    there is no science involved in it. it can't be a scietific Q.

  10. Pricker bushes and sand.

  11. Then, in the interest of scientific accuracy, what are you considering "private parts"?  I think most of me to be fairly private.

  12. Probably to stop them getting snagged on branches and tthorns.  Even shame-free Amazonian tribesmen cover their tinkies to stop them getting scratched. It's the only body part most of them bother to cover.

    Women, well it's icky if you sit on something with out a barrier, at nudist clubs they carry towels to sit on.

  13. It may have developed in many cultures to help enforce the nearly universal need to protect young women before they were married.  They needed to keep them under wraps so to speak to help keep the young males away.  Young women were often valuable because the family got a great price for a good young girl.  Men also wanted young virgins to insure any children were theirs.

  14. My first thought would be for protection of said parts. As we became less and less hairy things were more out there for branches, stones etc to score on. Either that or knowing Victoria's secret was coming someday... lol  However there is the theory that clothes made us less hairy. Perhaps as we became tool users and the climate changed, clothes came first to survive and became more necessary as we lost more and more hair. Good question!

  15. when someone declared public nudity against the law..unscientifically speaking

  16. i guess.....private parts are very delicate and to cover that delicate parts hairs are naturally grow up on the outer portion of that parts. so may be humans cover those parts.

  17. Mainly security: the most vulnerable parts had to be protected, their safety had to be ensured! And then, in social science, man/woman felt progressively more confident in social interactions with covered parts: also, that way, temptations and distractions were less!

  18. I'm going back to what the Bible said and it says that as soon as Eve ate the apple, she felt naked and ashamed of her body and her and Adam covered themselves.   I don't know the way science says it happened but that's what I know

  19. Welll, U SHOULD KNOW why men do it, it hurts if ur wang gets stuck someware...

    uhhh as for women.....the womens entrance is very permiable and can let in bacteria...even though the way the insides kill sperm,..//welll it is pretty hostile inside the entrence....

    but just so they dont get a disease on the surface......

  20. Probably for protection or warmth, this is one of those unknowable issues since it happened way before written word

  21. OH....I only know how to answer it religionyish.

  22. I suspect it had nothing to do with religion as even the Druidic Celts wore clothing on a regular basis. Druids themselves didn't strip naked but I know that those who would practice witchcraft would for certain celebrations. There was a group of Celtic warriors who would strip naked for battle as a phsycological weapon but that was it. As to when our ancestors began to cover themselves I suspect it would have been as homo erectus began to move north into colder climates that our ancestors began to feel the need to protect those areas which are more sensitive from the elements as well as from insects. Possibly those back in Africa and warmer climates did it to keep from being sunburned.

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