
Why did humans develop an ego?

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Why do you suppose humans developed egos in our evolution?

Where in our natural history do you suppose this took place?




  1. It seems that you unhappy with a fact that humans developing egos...Be sure that your question also have been originated through your what we are suppose to talk about?

  2. when we created language. why? because idk. no one can answer that

  3. human is human because of its ego

  4. alpha  omega   only the strong survive!!!!! its the equivalent of bucks standing off

  5. Haha, that's funny. Ate bad berries and saw god. Ok and ego (as you are using the term) can count as another word for our ID- the part of the psyche, residing in the unconscious, that is the source of instinctive impulses that seek satisfaction in accordance with the pleasure principle and are modified by the ego and the superego before they are given overt expression.(so basically id says "I want", superego are the rules and the ego applies them ) And we  have it as young as when we are able to understand  the concept of  "that's mine!" And other animals have that too, did you ever see a lion want to share it's food with a hyena? Nope, Grrrr "that's mine!".

  6. The perfect answer is the awful question:

    Chicken before the egg; or egg before the chicken.

    I know it sounds like I am evading the question but truly, we are human because we compete, because we think, because we try to be better than the "other crowd."  

    Try evolution on for size and see that we developed from animal that formed ego and became human.  Look in a textbook, it will tell you the approximate time it took place.

  7. when we are 8 year's old or evon younger

  8. Because humans live in societies.

  9. Consciousness has not been adaquitly explained by evolution and so it would be really going out on a limb trying to explain a particular aspect of consciousness with an apeal to evolution.

    I mean you can suggest some possible reasons but there is no way to back it up.

    Oh man just read your details.

    You need to educate yourself better.

    Watch National goegraphic more, throw in some science and discovery channel also.

  10. The ego is necessary for the evolution of consciousness. It gives the soul a center to identify with and seats all the impressions that form the ego that drives consciousness to evolve in order to experience the collection of impressions though more and more complex formsl  The soul then reaches the apex of creation as a human being with a full conscousness, but completely ignorant that it is a soul and one with God. After millions of reincarnations, the soul turns to God and gradually involves it's consciousness toward it's true Self and realizes that it is the infinite God and the ego disappears into the nothingness that it was all along.

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