
Why did i do this???

by  |  earlier

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Okay so i was in the supermarket today and my mom was right beside me and anywaysi was holding my hand out (for some weird reason, i didnt really know i was doing it but anyways) then 2 young girls (around 7-10years old) walked past me but i didnt move my hand back..i kept my handout and i felt like i was doing somthing wrong...The girl gave me a weird look and then walked awayandi smiled at her (but for some reason it felt just wrong) the whole i just felt like i wasdoing 15 btw. Did i do something wrong?




  1. well only you will know. if you did it to grab them or something then... yeah

  2. Nothing to worry about , it`s just that you have lost your marbles.

  3. no these things constantly happen

  4. lol sometimes i do the same kinda stuff... i will be doing something i don't even know that i'm doing... your arm out could have been just some weird thing you didn't know you were doing...

    about the young girls...

    i think u might have freaked them out a little lol

  5. maybe you were reaching for something on the shelf and they happened to walk by?

  6. I really have no idea why you did this, but as nothing came of it, you should not worry or stress about it.

  7. you probably had too much on your mind. one time i couldn't remember how to drive my car even though i had been driving for many years. lol When I calmed down and thought it through every thing came back to me. It was weird.

  8. Um maybe you think your tough...because they were  helpless little kids...and your not brave enough to do it to anyone your own like to see you do it to someone like me...i would of snapped your arm like a twig.

  9. do you always hold your hand out, without being aware of it?

    if yes, then i think you need to see a dr.

    good luck.

  10. I think you were just deep in thought about something before the girls walked past.  Their walking past reminded you of where you were.  You now feel self conscious about the situation.  Just forget about it.

  11. you should have wacked off on apon them

  12. you didnt do anything wrong. trust me when i'm the store with my dad i do alot worse than that.
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