
Why did i dream this?

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well this was a few weeks after my uncle had passed away and in my dream he waz just throwing rocks and sticks in our pool wat does this mean i looked at him and his face was just blank no smile no frown he waz in a glazed stare to




  1. It's important to know what the pool means to you. The glazed/blank look could really be how you are feeling about this at the moment...

    Throwing rocks and sticks into a pool is something people shouldn't do, so... do you feel as though him passing away is ruining something that your family has? Messing things up, disturbing something nice? It really depends on what the pool means.. usually a pool could be life, love, deep mysteries about you or life that you don't understand, or even the fun things in life you enjoy... or religion, too. A pool is something you own so you can relax, have fun, enjoy yourself in... it can also be deep, and it can also be dangerous too.

    Throwing things into it would mess it up or change it in some way. The glazed look could just mean that that's how it is.. no one in particular meant to disturb this, but yet it happened anyway... blah. That's all I have.

  2. He's most likely trying to communicate with you.

  3. Wow! Enjoy the dream...seems really interesting!!

  4. he's probably trying to tell u something..

  5. According to freud you want to have s*x with your aunt, the sticks and rocks are clearly representations of the phallus and your uncle the only obstacle, him throwing it into the pool is just a further underline that he no longer represents a threat to you.

  6. thats a qustion only u can awnser            dreams can be pretty weird


  8. i think it means he's trying to get your atention (probably for something very important)  i hope i helped. plz answer my qeustion.;...

  9. its because maybe he really liked you and wants to tell you something or maybe you just miss him too much .Tip dont think about him before you go to bed because if you fall asleep thinking about him and the brain keeps thinking about it and makes dreams.Funny part one day i was studying one night for a big test and fell asleep and had a dream that I was in this place and everyonehad math sighns and words on their clothes .Sorry ;bout your uncle.

  10. alot of people ask questions like this there's usually no reason it's maybe just a weird dream or where you thinking about him before you fell asleep that's usually the case or maybe your sad!

  11. Dreams mean nothing.

    They are called "dreams". A fantasy, not real, has no connections with life.

    Get over it.

  12. you probably had this dream because you miss him and you just wanted to see his face again

  13. doesn't mean anything, probably ur just missing him

  14. it doesn't mean anything except that you probabaly have been thinking about him a lot and so he flashed in your dream, but dreams arent portals into our beliefs where every minor image and action has meaning, thats hollywood hogwash

  15. it's a dream you can do anything you want

  16. "sticks and stones will break my bones but words will never hurt me"

    maybe he has said some things he regrets and didn't know that it hurt you until it was too late. oh and maybe what he said reflected him because the pool is water and theres a reflection.

  17. it could just be from the stress that he is not there anymore and its probly your way of dealing with his death

  18. Hey, i'm not an expert but when my mom passed away I had a bunch of dreams where she seemed mad. I think it is just showing how jealous they are that they can no longer be with you and how sad they are.
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