
Why did i miss my period?

by  |  earlier

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I did start a diet.. but its been 2 months since ive had it!

is that bad?

does that mean im not getting enough nutrition




  1. You could be pregnant.

    You could have a lack of iron in your diet.

    Also, are you doing vigorious exercise?

  2. you haven`t been jumped have you??????

  3. 1. Pregnet

    2. not high on protein

    You could be a little late but i suggest if you dont get it in 2 weeks see a doctor for a pregnancy test

  4. Yes, that means that you're not getting enough of the nutrients/vitamins that you need. You need to rethink the whole "diet" thing. You just need to eat a more balanced diet and pump up the exercise. Don't drink any diet drinks because in the long run there bad for you. So unless you're sexually active or under a lot of stress this should be the reason;...

  5. you should go to the doctor. you may be pregnant.  

  6. either because it just didnt come on time or because you are pregnat

  7. your eggo is preggo

  8. that means ur pregnant  

  9. you might be pregnant, or your just late for some reason.

  10. Could be pregnant?

    How drastic is your diet?

    I can't answer based on the information you gave me.

  11. you're preggo preggo preggo

    if you don't want the baby i'd suggest a bunch of hard drugs + partying + smoking + drinking + falling down stairs + telling people to punch you in the uterus as hard as they can


  12. you should go rent "knocked up"

  13. It means you're pregnant.

  14. your either pregnant,or because your diet change,you miss your period if your body gets a major change or if you don't get enough nutrition.

    also if you exercise too much..

  15. Hmmm. Someone's been naughty.

  16. O.K. How thin are you, anyways? If you are underweight severely, your period will cease to conserve energy for survival. Also, your body reverts into starvation mode and you will not ovulate because your body cannot support creating a child without enough calories.

    Either this or you are pregnant. Otherwise, sometimes women/girls skip a period for no apparent reason. It may be caused by the pill if you take it or just some fluke. It has happened to everyone at some point. If you are in an intimate relationship with a man, you better get that pregnancy test just to be sure!

  17. see ur gynocaligist

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