
Why did i throw up while smoking weed?

by  |  earlier

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i been smoking weed and i never throw up then one day i throw up then the next day again then months past and i smoked again and i didnt throw up. then a few months past and i throw up again.




  1. duddeee,

    dont smoke itt:|

  2. I never have ever puked from weed

    It can make you light headed and some people who have motion sickness a lot can make you sick

  3. I been smokin 40 years & it never made me throw up !

  4. dont smoke weed, it will do more than make you throw up.,

  5. You must have smoked to much.

  6. The only time I have thrown up from it was from a gnarly brownie. Maybe you are allergic...

  7. First of all, it is stupid that you smoke weed. Have you ever thought that it contained something other than weed and that may have been why you got ill from it? You don't know who processed it and what other drugs that may have been put in it to get you to try something harder than weed.  

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