
Why did israel lose the The 2006 Lebanon War?

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Why did israel lose the The 2006 Lebanon War?




  1. Because they aren't God chosen people. God punished them. They must understand invading and occupying other countries isn't a right act to do. They must understand bombing civilians doesn't related to God sakes...!

    God choose about 300 Hezbollah freedom fighters instead of full armed Zionists army. Because they fight for freedom and their country against invader enemy...

  2. Cowardice,mostly. They are good at slaughtering people from the safety of an aircraft but they are weak and fearful on the ground. World opinion is that they won in the air but only due to the utter lack of air opposition; they lost utterly on the ground.

  3. Uh. They didn't. What are you talking about?

  4. You lose war for two reasons:

    1. If you are not prepared and planned well

    2. If you have no faith in what you are fighting for

    The first doesn't apply to Israel.

    You are going into someone else's land trying to occupy by force for no reason, your soldiers will be scared to death and the will run away with first gun shot.

    This what happened in Egypt 1973

    This what happened in Iraq

    This What happened in Vietnam

    This what will happen in Iran

    This what will happen again in Lebanon, and Syria and ........etc.


  5. I know for a fact this is not true, you must stop reading science fiction books.

  6. She didn't!


    Ms. Miche ; })

  7. I certainly wouldn't call it a war or a lose.  On the other hand I think weak Israeli leadership kept them from winning.

    B  You are freaking again.  Take your pill and have a shot or three.  Easy girl.  Easy

    Please not again Hopeless.

  8. it didn't, it achieved it's political aims

  9. Because evil is punished by the Supreme Being.

  10. they didn't they one

  11. Overconfidence, the Israelis have been pushing around their neighbors for a long time, and when Hezbollah won, it showed that the Israelis can be beaten

  12. they didn't lose it.

  13. I am afraid that was  the beginning of a downhill course for Israel.

    You see the Israelis have so bad Governments during those last years, with so much money corruption, that this has affected their army officials too.

    No one denies that the Jews demolished Lebanese Hospitals, Schools and Power Stations, (against the Geneva Convention treaties of course ), but their Arab foes had almost not any real loss or defeat.

    Thank God many of those Israeli officials names that ordered those barbaric hits are well stored for any future reference or trials in some well preserved databases throughout Europe.

    The Jews have managed to turn all of those peace loving nomadic Arabs into some first class Commandos, that's my opinion.


  14. they didnt loose but they didnt win. hezbollah benefitted greatly from the war tho, which is why they say they won. in reality, hezbollah and israel both lost, and I won. get out your cameras cuz ima do my victory dance now.

    omg the year 2006 pissses me off!!!!!!!!!!

  15. Because they are corrupt and overweening fools.

  16. Allah Loves Freedom Fighters Not invaders

    And Look What they did?

    Middle Easts Best Army Wasnt able To fight 5000 Strong Men Who were armed Only By katusha And Small Atomatic Guns And the Israeili Regime had Everything But they failed

    Long Live Hizbullah long Live Nasrullah

  17. Israel did not lose that war!

  18. It is more difficult to have a war against "militia" than against an army!

  19. lets go to Greece

  20. Well, I'm not an Israeli, but the way I see's like a guy being forced to fight with a girl. If the Israelis go all out and crush the Palestinians then everyone (including the Palestinians) says "why, what a bunch of bullies...beating up on the poor weak Palestinians". If the Israelis hold back and try to restrain the Palestinian terrorists with limited force then everyone (including the Palestinian terrorists) says "oh, how lost to a bunch of poor weak Palestinians". So, questions like this tend to make me think less of the Palestinians...not the Israelis. As a side note...the Israelis stated their objectives BEFORE they even started...and then they met them. If Israel ever does actually lose then the whole world would know because they wouldn't be there anymore (they can't afford to "lose" even one time).

    Edit: wow certainly have alot of "thumbs". must be nice to have such power to affect the "vote". kinda pathetic though that you would go through so much trouble over something so silly. you really should get a life. maybe i'll take the time to ensure that you do.

  21. Hezbollah fighters are more committed and more familiar with the terrain. The zionists were apparently trying to imitate Clinton's war in Yugoslavia and thought everything could be done with air power. They were wrong. Hezbollah had plenty of bunkers and although the air assaults did plenty of damage to civilians and infrastructure,the resistance on the ground was largely undeterred. They only took a few weeks to rout a massively equipped modern army that had been heavily promoted in the media as a true-blue fighting machine. Actually,they ran like rabbits.

  22. Israel never lost anything, the Israelis were running up the hills, the Hizbos were shooting from the bunkers yet they were fried alive, ambulances were going back and forth removing dead and wounded, bringing the brave Hizbos ammunition, AMMUNITION IN AMBULANCES.

  23. first off i agree with all of the arab peopple who commented especially the lebanese ones. i am half lebanese myslef, and my dad was a teenager around my age (16) during the civil war in lebanon. he fought the isrealis and many of hies friends and memnbers of my family were killed by these isrealis. so the answer ot your question is no. the isrealis have never won a war any "victory" or "objective" completed by these loads was a victory or objective completed by a foreign power the U.S. helping the isrealis. they would not exist withou outside help. they could not have won the war in 2006 becuase HizBollah a militia of 500 help offf an army of 5000 and did not let them advance more than 3 feet in a course of how long was that war a month. anyway the rocket attacks that violated the geneva convention destroyed homes and things that-get this HizBollah was able to payfor and fix. u figure it out.

  24. Israel did not lose that war.  However, they did hold back because of all the pressure that comes from the U.S.  It's time for all peace loving countries to allow Israel to do what she needs to do in order to have peace.  Israel, as a sovereign nation, has the right to defend herself from her enemies.  And it's time that the rest of the world understood this.  Am Israel CHAI

  25. I wouldn't call it a "loss"

    It wasn't a win - for sure, but it was no loss. I mean, three or four more "losses" like this, and there would simply be no more Lebanon. You do realize that, don't you?

    Israelis didn't achieve their main objective - rooting out Hezbollah. True. In that sense it was a defeat. That happened due to a corrupt and incompetent Ehud Olmert and his administration. All that garbage is soon to be replaced with someone who will take care of things the way they should be taken care of.

    To you guys 1967 and 1973 wars were wins too, so there is just nothing to even argue about.

  26. I don't call more than 1000 people dying, and still dying today as a result of cluster bombs that still go off. I don't call that winning. Sorry about that. There are no winners in war.

  27. Because they were fighting Shiite Ali (it's impossible for Shias to lose a war because of religious beliefs.) Even if everyone in Lebanon was killed by the tyrants/warmongers/thugs/ criminals/terrorists and their American-made weapons, the Israelis would have still been the losers in the end, because the people on Hezbollah's side died to defend Lebanon, while their guys died for NOTHING.

    Look how cowardly their soldiers are:


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