
Why did it seemlike there was endless adverts during The X Factor last night ?

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it was ridiculous , they were every 5-10 mins , more than usual ?




  1. Because they have recently changed the advertising regulations and they are now allowed to put more advert breaks into programs.

    So they will appear to be more frequent from now on.  This was a UK show but part of the new regs say that any US show being transmitted here they can put adverts in the breaks that were created for their adverts. Having been to the US on a few hols we got adverts about every 3 minutes and they didn't care whether a prog had just started or was about to  end.  

    So be warned it will get worse not better and as X factor is a highly watched program its bound to be filled to capacity with ad breaks.

  2. Because there was.

  3. sweetheart get sky plus. thats the best thing about sky plus.

    put the programme on record, dont watch it for 30 min. that way you can forward all the adverts

  4. I noticed that too it seemed as if the adverts were auditioning to! Maybe they had so many adverts to keep the viewers watching and wondering.

  5. That was probably because there were endless adverts during the X-Factor last night ;¬)

    The problem is that the enormous viewing figures make it a very attractive programme for advertisers to want to be on; and ITV can charge a huge fee for showing each advert.  The more adverts, the more ITV earns.  And then they'll have the phone vote money too.

    Greedy, perhaps; but shareholders generally are.

  6. I just answered someone else's question regarding The X Factor and remarked on the ludicrous amount of adverts on during the show! Let's face it, they showed one audition and skipped to adverts. They had one audition and skipped to adverts. They showed someone crying and skipped to adverts. It started to really irritate me and I'm actually considering taping the program so I can just fast-forward the adverts, even if it means watching the program an entire day later! I think they have all of these adverts because people are paying to have their products and businesses advertised and doesn't a program gain more money from having more adverts, because it's good advertising for the franchises / businesses in question because millions of people will be watching The X Factor and they will therefore be watching the adverts advertising their stuff? Well, whatever it is I just wish they wouldn't show as many! There were at least eight during the entire show and I groaned and rolled my eyes after the third one! I also hate how they have that little thing before the adverts actually start and it says something like "What is the missing word of this song? Phone in and win a thousand pounds, X Factor tickets, a new car, a new mobile phone! Blah, blah, blah. You could be the winner of a brand new blah, blah, blah. Just tell us what the missing word blah, blah, blah and these fantastic prizes could be yours!" God help us all.

  7. During prime time they put more adverts as more people are watching. BBC have the right idea-no adverts at all!

  8. yer i noticed that too its so annoying i hate the adverts!!

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