
Why did it take almost 200 years for men to allow women to vote? Why did women put up with it?

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And how did men convince women that burqas are good for them or that dangerous silicone surgery makes them look better?




  1. There are three different questions here..

    Firstly, women have been fighting for the right to vote for much longer than 200 years. We have been around as human beings much longer than that! And some women cant even vote in some countries nowadays.

    Women 'put up with it' because they couldnt fight it at first. But the most famous historial story about women fighting for the right to vote is probably the one from England. The women who fought for these rights were known as Suffragettes.By the early 1900's women had finally won the right to vote in Australia and NZ.

    In some other nations it took a bit longer: eg

    Soviet Russia (1917); Canada (1918); Germany, Austria, Poland, and Czechoslovakia (1919); the United States and Hungary (1920); Burma (now Myanmar; 1922); Ecuador (1929); South Africa (1930); Brazil, Uruguay, and Thailand (1932); Turkey and Cuba (1934); and the Philippines (1937).

    Now on to burquas. Women for the most part choose to wear them because it is part of their religion and what they know. They believe that showing hair is sexual and it should only be shown to their husband or other women. In other words men might get turned on seeing them showing their hair as it makes them a sexual object.

    Now on to dangerous silicon surgery? Many women who undergo plastic surgery do it quite willingly for themselves as they like having bigger b*****s?

  2. men kept the cave man club a woman on the head syndrome until recently.  when a woman found she had just as much testosterone as he has. because from the beginning man have always reined superior in size strength ect. so women were raised to be submisive and not have a voice.  until a feminest finally said f this. and then all the other girls felt the power can you imangine if the there was a world war between men and women what h**l that would be we can be sneaky an caniving so who needs muscles

  3. because men are manipulating but women would rule the world... if we wernt as bitchy! its a well known fact lol! x*x

  4. Maybe because women didn't read Aristophanes?

  5. women fought long and hard for their rights now a woman tring to be prez is shunned by half of her own kind=

  6. In a sense, women did have an influence on their menfolks' votes before 1872 when the secret ballot was introduced.

  7. Well as to the voting, the real question to ask is if men were so against it, how did the ballot pass when only men could vote?

    But seriously, watch the movie Iron Angels. It's a film that came out a few years back about suffrage and whatnot and is very well done.

    As for the burquas, it is not so much a man's law thing as a God's law. It's a particular belief to wear a burqua over not wearing it, and some women move to a free country where they aren't required to wear it, and still do, because they prefer it. It then becomes their choice to wear it.

    And as for the Silicone surgery, well that's a headscratcher anyway. But I don't think it was solely men who made any of these decisions.

  8. That was the biggest mistake man ever did.

    Look at the world now

    Look at America no more Morals

    Look at England no more respect

    Yes Hitler made a bolls up

  9. What were women supposed to do?  They didn't have the vote, so they couldn't get the vote until those who did vote allowed it.

    As for your other stuff, women aren't stupid, and we aren't perfect either.  We contribute to these things too, and I wouldn't be so arrogant as to make any judgments on the burqas - we don't understand where they're coming from.

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