
Why did it take her so long to contact me?

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my aunt Cindy has been gone for four years now she died from cancer at the age of 51 last night i had a dream, the first dream about her since shes been gone it was so real like it wasnt even a dream at all i could hear her so clearly and everything that we talked about i would aske her questions like did it hurt when she died and why she didnt do the chemo and left us and she would answer with specific answers so how can this dream be? iv never had a dream like this at all we even said good bye and hugged... then i woke up...

but why???

why did it take her so long to come into my dreams?? i was 11 when she died i still could of had dreams about her......

what kind of dream was this??? why was it SOO real???

please could anybody tell me some answers.... i would appreciate it very much..




  1. You experienced an out of body experience, it is clearer and seems more real than life.  Our minds can only conceive and understand so much, had you been younger you would not have understood that your aunt came to you to bring you some important information.  Try to remember exactly what she said, and relate it to what is happening currently in your life.  Most out of body experiences prepare us for something to come.  Sometimes we have not had a positive closure, it appears your aunt wanted to encourage you to know that she in fact loves you very much and misses you.  


  2. Don't be fooled. You aunt was not trying to contact you. When somebody dies they cannot and do not contact anybody. You just miss her that's all.

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