
Why did jewish "settlers" from Yitzhar burn the olive groves near Nablus?

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Are they still helping to make the desert bloom? To help convert Palestine from a wasteland? Those groves were more than a hundred years old. What kind of scum does this and then claims they are there to enrich Palestine with their know-how?




  1. Desire to drive the native Palestinians out. But, they will not succeed. Palestine for Palestinians.

    Long live Palestine.

  2. Many of those settlers are criminals escaping sentences in their countries. They are trying to force the original land owners to run away.

    There are  thousands of such harassment accidents against Palestinian women and old people. They happen everyday.

    Seen many videos showing even settler's children banging Palestinian doors and throwing dirt's on them under the supervision of their armed fathers.

  3. They have been doing that sort of thing since 1920. It's called sadism. it's also an aspect of ethnic cleansing; the idea is to wreak as much havoc on the people as possible to drive them out. It certainly has nothing to do with making the desert bloom. The point to to destroy everything and build high-rises and strip malls.

  4. they r all a bunch of wild animals

    and thats all there is to it

  5. That one answer is hilarious!  I mean the one by John S.   A bunch of settlers (perportedly) illegally plant some vines on what is likely stolen land and then complain when the legal residents remove them!  Assuming that's what happened, which I don't believe anyway, more likely those are pictures of settler vandalism of Palestinian vines.  There just isn't any lie that the pro-Israel crowd won't propagate.  Wait, I have to get over laughing.

  6. Sheer cruelty,which is their whole history in the Holy Land.

    As to the rant by Felix,it should be pointed out that civilized governments adhere to personal responsibility. There is no "they". One does not terrorize a Black neighborhood because of a recent crime by an individual Black. This logic is lost on jews. They cite some recent crime presumed to have been perpetrated by an individual Palestinian as justification for random retaliatory attacks; this is sheer atavism.

    As to "hate" or why Palestinians and their supporters come here,I would think even the dumbest jew would grasp that if we were here to dialogue with jews we wouldn't block as many as we can. We regard this category as the Palestinian category,currently under occupation. And every day they fill it with their racist hate-mongering. This question did not elicit a single intelligent or humane response from a jew.

  7. This sort of thing is a daily event; they want to destroy the Palestinian economy,the people and every trace of them. They are creatures of hatred,contempt and scorn and the last place on earth they should be permitted to govern is Palestine.

  8. they burned the olive groves bc it hurts the Jewish Settlers to see the Palestinians with a little bit of success :(

  9. don't remind me , Jews do everything to force us to leave our land , but we will not .


  10. Why did they also fire a home-made rocket that they learned how to make on the internet at a Palestinian village in the West Bank? I guess they are a tad bit on the crazy side? Cheers!

    JERUSALEM - Israeli security officials said Friday that students from a far-right Jewish theological seminary at a West Bank settlement recently built a crude rocket and fired it at a nearby Palestinian village, although it failed to reach its target.

    The officials said troops in the area heard a loud explosion and initially thought Palestinians were attacking the settlement of Yitzhar, where the seminary is situated. They spoke on condition of anonymity because the incident, which occurred about two weeks ago, is still being investigated by police and agents of the Shin Bet security agency.

  11. Because now one wants to stop them what a shame for the world to let this happen

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