
Why did kelly copeland divorce win kutz?

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  1. Kelly had another husband before Win Kutz Blain Ward.  He also got the flick.  How long will this current marriage last.

  2. I did hear that Win had committed adultery and remarried.  Kellie was single for 6 years and met her current husband at a church function.  She wasn't even thinking of getting remarried and he just showed up in her life.  She is very happy and will be having a baby in January of 2011.  God bless you all.

  3. Because Kelly is a c**p root

  4.  I went to Jr. High with Win Kutz.    He grew up in a fairly well to do family and I don't remember anything spiritual about him.  To be fair,  there was really no talk about Christianity in school anyway.   He wa friendly to most people.   Unfortunately,  many Christian leaders from within the charismatic type churches seem to have more problems.   Not sure what it is.

  5. It was reported that a staff member observed Mr. Kutz being unfaithful as a husband. Of course, we have no way of knowing if this is really true, or the reason for the divorce, but I think what is most important is that we know from the way Kelly has lived her life as a Christian that it must have been something that was Biblical grounds for divorce, othewise she would not have remarried.

  6. people grow up, its all polotics in this world and who you know.

  7. Because he felt it was time for him to leave the married life behind and serve God in secluded ministry to become more like his Lord and Saviour Jesus.

  8. Because he felt it was time for him to leave the married life behind and serve God in secluded ministry to become more like his Lord and Saviour Jesus.

  9. When people make themselves public and have a ministry representing Jesus then people have the right to know the truth.  There is nothing wrong with wanting to know if your heart is in the right place.  If you want to know just to put people down then that's your problem.  It's sad when divorce is such an easy way out.  God is a God of reconciliation and impossibilities.  Nothing is impossible with God but we live in a society where we want everything instantly, microwave style. We need patience.  To guess 8810, there's absolutely nothing wrong with wanting to know why people who are supposed to be examples of God's ways are doing what they do.

  10. Do you want to know? Call kenneth Copeland Ministries ask for Kelly and ask her.! gossiper.! Mind your own business

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