
Why did liberals in the 30's want concentration camps in the USA?

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A year before Hitler came to power in Germany, Margaret Sanger called for a vast system of concentration camps for the United States. The Planned Parenthood founder demanded “a stern and rigid policy of segregation or sterilization” for “dysgenic” Americans who “would be taught to work under competent instructors for the period of their entire lives.” The 1932 speech concluded that “fifteen or twenty millions of our population would then be organized into soldiers of defense—defending the unborn against their own disabilities.”




  1. your making wild generalizations about a whole group because of the actions of a few people this is a typical republican tactic that shows how truly idiotic they are

  2. It was part of a movement called "Eugenics", and it wasn't restricted to liberals: Charles Lindbergh was a firm adherent. Followers of Eugenics wanted to "purify" the gene pool and "strengthen the strain"- something both Hitler and the KKK professed. You wouldn't exactly call THEM liberals, wouldja. BTW, I am not liberal OR conservative: I'm a 46 year old white male husband and father, college educated, but working in a blue-collar trade.

  3. do you have a life besides reposting the same stuff twice?

    and ideologues of all stripes have made stupid decisions, get over it.

  4. To compare liberals of the 1930s with liberals of today is ridiculous...same goes for conservatives of the two eras.

    FYI, the Republican Party used to be the champion of the environment and it was the Democrats that wanted to exploit natural resources.  Liberals literally were in favor of progress, while conservatives wanted to, well, conserve and slow down the pace of progress.

    My how far we've come.  Many attitudes of the two major parties are completely backward from their origins.

  5. There are weirdos in every country, in every organization, in every generation.  This has never been a mainstream desire of a democrat.  This was done during WW II to the Japanese and actually some Germans.  There were also many Germans deported during WW II.  It had a little something to do with the war.  

    Margaret Sanger never called for concentration camps.  You need to read something that didn't come from those who were opposed to birth control.  She was Swift boated.  It was much the same atmosphere politically concerning birth control as it is with abortion.

  6. She most have been a real visionary, certainly before her time.

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