
Why did m strawberry plant die?

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alright maybe a better question is how do i take care of a strawberry plant because, i cant seem to get it right? i keep lillys and i wanted to add things like berry bushes grape vines and strawberry plants, everything else is doing fine but i kill every strawberry plant i look at




  1. I have grown strawberries and like you killed many more but experience has taught me to do two things. I start with a bag of Miracle Grow commercial soil and add in a lot of vermiculite which helps retain moisture and gives the roots easy paths to spread. Their roots are not strong enough to push through hard soils and that's why commercial growers use mounded hills for their berries. Then water is key, they love moist but not wet.

    A neat trick is to purchase cotton clothes line, usually less than 1/4" in dia. and place enough cord in your planting container when first starting out planting then place a cleaned out soda 2 liter bottle near your planter filled with water (I add Miracle Grow for tomato's), and the water will wick into the plant container as needed by the plants.

    Put in full sun, plenty of room & ventalition and mist them occationally. Happy growing and enjoy the harvest....yummm.

  2. A good way to grow strawberries is to put the plants in a hanging pot,and grow them like a hanging plant.You will probably get about two plants per pot.The strawberry is a vine so it will hang down and shoot out growth.They like it fairly dry,so water only when the plant dries out.Need lots of fertiliser when they start to flower.You can also buy a "bag" of strawbery plants here(NZ),which is a black plastic bag with the plants sticking out of a number of holes.It is already fertilised and you hang it on a fence.Strawberries on the ground need a lot of room.

  3. Have you watering them enough, the fertilizer and things like that.

  4. i think berry-plants mostly like acidic soil at least blueberries do.

    umm something that's good for making the soil slightly acidic. -pines needles. my mom uses them for her blueberry bushes and they doing great. [although she also makes sure she waters them just enough... not too much... not too little.]

    overwatering something can kill it too...

    but check online to see whether or not shade, partial shade, or direct sun is best for them. [this could be the problem.]

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