
Why did mccain choose a woman?

by  |  earlier

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i think he only did it to get the womens vote.




  1. Because he thought that it would garner more of the liberal vote.

    Oh, and someone said that women don't vote along genderal lines- like h**l they don't! I'm sure most vote rationally, but I've known my fare share of women who were Hilary supporters JUST because she's a woman and my fare share of black people who openly supported Obama BECAUSE he's black.

  2. >>i think he only did it to get the womens vote.<<

    Yeah, because that's the only thing women are good for, right? There could never possibly be a good reason to choose someone who happened to be a woman, right?

  3. Do you think women are idiots?  That's like saying a man would vote for Mc Cain because he is male !  Women vote on who they think will make a good president and's based on their values and policy promises, etc., not on their gender !

  4. He chose someone who has more executive leadership experience than Obama. He chose someone who has more experience and knowledge on the energy issue - which is one of the most important issues right now. McCain did a great job!  

  5. i think that is only half the reason, she is actually a good running partner and you should no go on that.

  6. for women votes but it won't work

  7. they just don't pull names out of a hat

  8. That's a perfectly acceptable reason.

  9. know it all, better change your name.  Blacks are voting for Obama because he's black.

  10. why did he pick a radical born again christian and how typical, she claims to want to bring prayer back to the schools and shoots kills and guts animals for the pure pleasure and brags about having killed the bear that she has as a rug. Oh yea very scary stuff. Very Christian of her. Oh she also says that the polar bear is not at any risk, and she has no use for other wildlife preservation. Oh and she thinks women should carry the child if she is raped or her father rapes her. Very very clever of her NOT

  11. Because the Democrats rejected a great one.

  12. Why, don't you think a woman is good enough?

  13. Why didn't Obama choose a woman?

  14. probably u r correct bc if the ladies who wanted hilary to win will now probably go with mccain or obama it depends on a lot of things

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