
Why did media avoid this?

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I guess the media doesn't think the people want to here what the people have to say! Honestly ask youself why this could not have been on main stream and talked about by the talking heads. Without media for the people we are fcked!

The Revolution March on DC!!

March pt1.

March pt2.




  1. I'll answer short & sweet. The media is owned by CFR members. CFR is a globalist think-tank that dictates our foreign policy to the politicians. CFR has not one shred of respect for the Constitution. Ron Paul is a threat to the CFR's treasonous agenda. It's in their best interests to suppress Ron Paul's message. Does that explain it?

    BTW. Thanks for the concern. We need all the help we can get right now. We are slipping into tyranny and the majority of our citizens are totally oblivious to it.

    If they don't hear something on the propaganda machine known as main stream media, they don't believe it. I answered a question today where several people thought the very existence of HR1955 / S 1959 very existence was total hogwash.  Imagine that, the government is about to enact a law that criminalizes free speech and political dissent, and people are not interested enough to verify it for themselves.

  2. You are catching on.

    Just write a letter to the editor.....Don't hold your breath waiting for it to be published.

    If you disagree with their agenda, you will only get published IF you manage to make yourself sound like a FOOL. - THAT, of course, plays right into their hands. It you disagree with them, you MUST be an idiot!

    The MEDIA is blatantly biased and with their POWER they essentially RULE America by controlling public opinion.

    They don't exactly LIE, but they only print what fits their agenda.

  3. Why did media avoid this? because Ron Paul fans are idiots

    I'm glad the media ignore them

    i just hope they treat any KKK march the same way - ignore them and hopefully the idiots will go away

    here are 2  Ron Paul fans ranting away

    Concerned Canadian you got some defence for these 2 idiots?

    OK lets hear it ? c'mon lad take a shot :)

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