
Why did member of Hamas Ghazi Hamad say Palestinians had been "attacked by the bacteria of stupidity"?

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Was he actually saying i'ts time to make peace.




  1. Maybe he had a moment of enlightenment?


    Bravo Mimi! That was a truly superb answer! Creative too.

  2. because his living on a different planet where his surrounded by paranoia of people trying to kill him?

  3. He is saying , quite rightly , that the Palestinians need to get a grip of the anarchy that perpetuates in Gaza & the West Bank . There needs to be order & accountability . In no way is he saying that Palestinians should sit down with the Land grabbing occupiers .

        Furthermore,  this is his own personnel opinion.

    It is interesting to note that this artical was printed in the British Daily Telegraph. This newspaper from its inception by Joseph Moses Levy ( 1812-1888)  has had a pronounced Jewish bias.

    Edit :

    It is wishful thinking that the Palsestinians will ever give in to  the occupiers aggression . every bomb they  drop , every child they  murder , every  house they  flatten , only goes to strengthen the peoples resolve. .

    All i can say is ,  The zionist  better have their swim suites ready , because their days are numbered .

  4. He might be right. They do seem to be eaten away with hatred too. This is encouraged and supported by muslims around the world who feel the same way because their muslim brothers are not getting the better of the Jews.

    It is stupidity that means they are the rallying call for muslims around the world who often 'support' them from the comfort of the west .

  5. Because he was immunized and not affected, or else he had already been infected and realized the contagion's delusional effects!

  6. Why, he talks truth.

    And at the same time look what Sheik Ahmad Bahr had to say.

    Sheik Ahmad Bahr, acting Speaker of the Palestinian Legislative Council, declared during a Friday sermon at a Sudan mosque that America and Israel will be annihilated and called upon Allah to kill Jews and Americans "to the very Last One."

  7. Probably the bacteria of stupidity he was talking about is the "zionists"

    Thanks moneymaxer, I appreciate you complement


  8. Hi U made me do it,

    This is the beginning of the end of the Muslim propaganda against Israel.  Internal poison in Gaza is what is going to bring peace.

    Israel will prevail.


    Ms. Miche ; })

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