
Why did mummification end?

by Guest64447  |  earlier

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  1. It hasn't ended.  Some south american people still practice it only not the same way as the Egyptians.

  2. There are other civilizations that practiced mummification though it was a fine art among the Egyptians

  3. mummy is a corpse whose skin and dried flesh have been preserved by either intentional or incidental exposure to chemicals, extreme cold, very low humidity, or lack of air when bodies are submerged in bogs. Mummies of humans and other animals have been found throughout the world, both as a result of natural preservation through unusual conditions, and as cultural artifacts to preserve the dead.

    In 1975, an esoteric organization by the name of Summum introduced "Modern Mummification", a form of mummification that Summum claims uses modern techniques along with aspects of ancient methods. The service is available for spiritual reasons. Summum considers animals and people to have an essence that continues following the death of the body, and their mummification process is meant to preserve the body as a means to aid the essence as it transitions to a new destination. Summum calls this "transference," and the concept seems to correlate with ancient Egyptian reasons for mummification.

    Rather than using a dehydration process that is typical of ancient mummies, Summum uses a chemical process that is supposed to maintain the body's natural look. The process includes leaving the body submerged in a tank of preservation fluid for several months. Summum claims its process preserves the body so well that the DNA will remain intact far into the future, leaving open the possibility for cloning should science perfect the technique on humans.

    According to news stories,[24] Summum has mummified numerous pets such as birds, cats, and dogs. People were mummified early on when Summum developed its process and many have made personal, "pre-need" arrangements. Summum has been included in television programs by National Geographic and the British Broadcasting Corporation, and is also discussed in the book The Scientific Study of Mummies by Arthur C. Aufderheide.[25][26] [27]

  4. We (humans) found better ways to preserve the dead, and we don't all have the same religious beliefs as the Egyptians did back then.

  5. The art of mummification in Egypt died out after the roman take over. In other places the art was forgotten or replaced with the spread of Christianity.

  6. Who said that.?

    I have a polyester filled sleeping bag too titled <mummy >

    by its manufacturer.

    Plus I am 62 yrs old.


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