
Why did my 2 mile time change so much by being higher and slower?

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I have been training for five weeks and my 2 miles time went up 30 seconds.

Some factors:

I have trained everday for 30 minutes without a day-off or break.

I ran it on the bike-path.

I was already tired (legs were sore and were painful)

I didn't want to go out for a 2mile timed run today.

I ran the 2 mile today on a full stomach.

It was the hottest part of the day.

Should I go run it again at 7:30 tonight without these factors in the way?




  1. cause u get tired

  2. First of all, no world-class athlete trains 7 days a week-- they ALL have at least two days of rest.

    Second, you were already tired. Your body is trying to tell you something; pain is never good. Running on sore or painful legs sets you up for all sorts of injuries, including joint, tendon, and ligament injury; even muscle strains and tearing.

    Your muscles were obviously in "oxygen debt" and had accumulated a lot of lactic acid. You did not give yourself enough time to rest and allow your glycogen stores to build up inside your muscles.

    Running during the hottest part of the day is simply foolish. It severely dehydrates a person and sets one up for heat stroke and heat exhaustion, either of which can prove fatal.

    Running on a full stomach causes reduced blood flow to the extremities and the brain, as digestion requires blood to be diverted to the stomach and intestines in order to allow nutrients into the bloodstream.

    Don't run again tonight OR tomorrow; give your body a chance to rest.

    Stretch if you are sore, and take a bit of an anti-inflammatory to reduce muscular aches (such as ibuprofen).

    If you want to improve your times, do wind sprints with interval training.

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