
Why did my Giant House Spider lay 4 egg sacks within 2 months?

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I caught a Giant House Spider last month. I've been feeding it flies and other bugs. It covered the whole cage with spider web. Then it laid 1 eggs sack. After a weed or so, I laid another. Up to now, it laid 4 egg sacks. Are they suppose to lay that much?

The first eggs sack hatched today too. Shes been very protective of the babies. The babies are just hanging around the sack. What do they babies eat?

And the eggs sacks have been laid 1 ontop of another too.The spider also covered the sacks with dirt, probably to protect it.





  1. The spider you caught was probably a female that had previously mated with a male.  The females can store the sperm within themself for very long periods of time and use it when needed.  I suppose your lady spider decided to use alot of it!

    Not sure what the babies would eat, possibly leftovers of whatever the mother ate.

  2. now how about know what....i seriously have to say i don't know.......................................

    yea......i pretty much just answered this random question to get points so i can ask MORE questions. yay. i like asking questions. i think i feel dumb. lol. --_--

    i have a strong feeling i'll be getting lots of thumbs down. YEA BABE. LOL. --_--. i think i feel dumb. wait, am i dumb. whatever. bye bye, bloggy person. see ya later alligator. --_--, i think i feel dumb. wait, i think i am dumb. wait, wait, what, wait. oh what ever. scwuuu this

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