
Why did my Marbel Hatchetfish die?

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I have had a 29 gallon tank running for a few months now and one of my two Marbel Hachetfish died this morning. I did about a 50% water change on Tuesday (even though I have done this before), could this have killed him? Last night his tail fin was a little ragged and he had a white spot near his mouth, but he acted perfectly normal. Why did he die? If I replace him, should I get 2 more hatchets so I hve a group of 3? Thanks




  1. It's impossible to guess without more information.Hatchet fish in general are very delicate and require pristine water conditions. They are not hardy.

    50% water change in itself is not a problem. As long as the tank is stable, not over pupulated and you have the right tank mates.

    How long exactly has the tank been up and running?

    What else do you have in the tank?

    Wait at least 3 weeks to see if any disease develop in the tank before adding any new fish. For two fish to die suddently means there is something wrong.

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