
Why did my XM Radio get all staticy while driving over the Verrazano Bridge and Outerbridge Crossing

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I just drove from NJ to Coney Island Brooklyn and back. And each time I drove over a bridge (Verrazano and Outerbridge) my XM would get all full of static. I know my receiver is dying, I have one of the old Roadys, and will be replacing it within the next month or so. But shouldn't it work over a bridge within NYC and NJ, it did lose the signal as well for a brief moment over the Verrazano.




  1. that is a common occurrence anytime you are sourrounded by metal such as a brridge or going under alot of high power power linesso not your roady is notdying i have had one for five years and it works just fine also your loss of signal can also be caused by sun spots but as i said it is nothing to worry about even am fm radios will do the same

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