
Why did my b yahoo homepage change and only mine note my families and how do i get my old one back!?

by  |  earlier

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i hate the new one it has shrunk my modules has an ad as well. The yahoo search where im used to it in a bar and a mucking up of all my stuff how do i get it back HELP ME PLEASE!




  1. Go to Yahoo and select your details you can alter it from there failing this try the contact option and ask Yahoo

  2. Mine too.  And I tried looking at Help to change the font size back to what it was, but the Help instructions relate to the previous version.  How useless is that?  I will monitor your question in case someone comes up with a useful answer!

  3. Mine changed too - the new one is c**p. I've emailed three complaints to BT but they have simply ignored me (sound familiar???). My solution is to move to an ISP who cares.

    John H

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