
Why did my baby roller pigeon legs didnt grow out rite n now it can fly?

by Guest59245  |  earlier

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Why did my baby roller pigeon legs didnt grow out rite n now it can fly?




  1. I presume you mean that the leg splayed out to the side.  That's often caused by insufficient nesting material and/or nothing on the bottom of the nest so that the baby can't keep its legs under itself.  It's more common with single reared young.  It may also be caused by a lack of adequate calcium and minerals in the parents' diet.  

    In the future make sure that their is a stable surface in the nest bottom - I often add a 1/2 in layer of grit in the nest bowl and provide plenty of materials for the birds to build their nests, pine needles, etc.

    If you should find a baby that's beginning to straddle out, you can either put something in the nest so that it can push against (say a wooden egg, etc.) if it's a single reared youngster.  If it's already begun to splay out to the side, then you can sometimes tie the legs together underneath the bird in a natural position (DO NOT cut off the circulation in the legs or you're in a worse position than before) and sometimes that will at least get the bird into a position where it will be able to walk and fly almost normally once it's weaned.

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