
Why did my body crash? ?

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so i was starting a raw food fast....this is what happened

woke up in the morning and went for a jog to earn my food then i ate a whole cucumber and ran again to burn it off but after that i totally crashed

i was cold in 80 degree weather and my skin hurt i don't understnad why was this happening on the first day of the fast i still had a lot of fat that my body could live off of i don't understand????????? i'm so confused!!! but i finally ate but i will be starting it again tomorrow!!

p.s i want a lot of answers i will read them all kk




  1. You don't exactly have a lot of energy to work with while running if you have to earn your food by jogging.

    That's just silly.

    Eat first, run later. When you wake up in the morning, your body hasn't had food for a good 6-8 hours. This is why so many people stress eating breakfast. Your routine is dangerous and should be changed around quite a bit.

  2. First of all, a cumcumber has hardly any calories, why would you go try to burn that off after you just jogged. Second, if your going to make a dramatic change in your diet, let your body ajust first. You are pushing it way to hard in the beginning. I don't even recommend jogging/running, ecspecially when your body is not use to living off such small amounts of food. Try walking nstead. Its much easier on your organs and body as a whole.

    But if your trying to lose weight, a raw food diet alone is enough to do that, you don't have to go through the trouble of burning everything off you eat through exercise. I seriously recommend just mild walking during that time. Maybe some yoga or pilates.

  3. To lose weight, don't eat processed foods and SUGAR. No potatos, pasta, corn, rice, bread, cookies, cake, frosting, fruit juices, carrots, chips, etc.

    Eat fish, chicken, pork, and non-starchy vegetables: salad, mushrooms, green beans, broccoli, cauliflower, spinach, etc.

    Also, take potassium when you are doing this or you will be low on it, unless you eat a bunch of spinach each day.

    You will feel a little down and drained for a bit while your body adjust to burning fat for energy and not carbs, but it takes about a week and then you will have energy again. Just don't go up and down with sugar and then no sugar... stay off of sugar for good for a while so you can lose. I lost 80 lbs this way and it works and it's healthy. Don't drink soda either or eat canned soups with starches and stuff. Look up "induction flu" to know how you will feel for a week while you transition to burning fat.

    There is NO single drastic thing you can do that will just get you results super fast and is healthy. Also, don't do something stupid like all raw foods - you don't have to punish yourself, just eat stuff that is natural and full of protein and nutrients, not processed stuff full of preservatives.

    Good luck.

  4. You are right, your body should be able to live off of your body fat, but you need to do things slower. People who go on low carb diets are doing the same thing that you are but they have to train their bodies to metabolize fat for energy. This is what the two week induction period is about. I am pretty sure that very few try to do more than a 20 minute walk in this period. If you want to fast for a couple of days, just take it easy. Controlling your weight is a long term thing, not a race. Fasting is a tool that might not be right for you.

  5. Do don't have to excersise everything you eat you know.

    This is such a dumbass diet. Whats the point in doing it your not gonna keep it up past a week.

  6. Eating healthy is the way to lose 10 lbs. The goal is to have a healthy lifestyle. Why do you think losing 10lbs will get a guy to notice you?

    If a guy does not like you now, he will still not like you 10lbs lighter either. Most guys like a girls personality too. And more and more guys are liking girls that are NOT super skinny. Your body needs calories just to get through the day. Aim to get at least 2000-2500 calories a day!! The point is not to stave yourself. Daily, fruits, veggies, lean protein and whole grains are all important to your diet and for you to lose weight.

    Plus.. if you keep eating this way, your body will go into starvation mode and store every last things you eat.

  7. Hi.

    The info you gave is very limited so it is a little hard to come up with sensible answers. You should talk to a doctor, your body is warning you.

    You should stop doing whatever you are doing, your body doesn´t like it!! Perhaps you are training too much and eating too little? If you eat too little for a long time your metabolism slows down and your body goes into starvation mode. If you eat too little for too long your body will NOT get the minerals and vitamins it needs. Imagine a car with very little engine oil and too little cooling water. If you continue you might be damaging your organs. Go see a doctor!!

    You don´t want this guy to notice you because you look pale and like you came from the Gulag, do you? Dropping weight is a long term project, if you drop 2 pounds per week that is considered good progress and likely to be permanent loss.

    If you want to train and diet you should join a gym and have someone there knowledgeable put together a program for you and a diet.

    Take care!!

  8. A Guide to Hoodia Cactus Plant Extract

    You might have surely heard about 'Hoodia cactus plant extract' by this time as it has been broadcasted by numerous major media sources, like the 'BBC', 'The Today Show', 'CBS' and much more. Because of this, Hoodia Gordonii products have quickly ascended to become one of the fastest growing segments of the 'diet supplement market'.

    Before choosing a Hoodia product you should know that there are many kinds of Hoodia plant, but only the Hoodia Gordonii type has an astonishing 'appetite suppressing' quality. These properties have been known about for centuries by a primitive tribe known as the 'Sans Bushmen'. During mid 1990s an institute called the C.S.I.R. 'Council for Scientific and Industrial Research' was conducting a study of native plants eaten by the 'Sans Bushmen'. Basically, the study was to see what foods, the 'Sans Bushmen' were taking that protected the toxic compounds. When the C.S.I.R. studied Hoodia Gordonii, they found it was not only non-toxic, but also it helped to suppress the appetite of animals it used to feed to.

      Hoodia Cactus PlantFinally, the C.S.I.R. isolated the active ingredient responsible for the 'appetite suppressing' effects and called it 'P57'. This is the 'Hoodia cactus extract'. They then sold the rights of 'P57' to a British pharmaceutical company called 'Phytopharm'. You may be wondering how it can be there are so many Hoodia products on the market if only 'Phytopharm' has the rights to 'P57'. The answer lies in the patent laws. You know that, only 'Phytopharm' can extract the active molecule called 'P57' from Hoodia Gordonii and use it in their product line. But a whole natural plant - in this case the Hoodia Gordonii plant- cannot be patented. As a result, other companies' can very well produce supplements or products made from Hoodia Gordonii and sell them legally.

    The important thing for consumers right now is to make sure that they are buying a product that contains genuine South African Hoodia Gordonii.

    For more information visit:

  9. haha you ran again to burn off cucumber calories???


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